About atx billiards
Established in 2023
With decades of experience in various formats of pool and application development, we try to fill the gaps in the community, whether that means creating new divisions or provide tools for pool players.
Our initial focus was bringing BCAPL in North Austin to locations that were non-smoking. Other organizations followed suit and filled the gap in North Austin and beyond. Now we are turning our attention to developing juniors in our area.
With the disbanding of Juniors leagues by one large organization, there is a gap that needs to be filled again. Our focus will primarily be developing our local talent, then, once we have a playbook defined, we’ll release our findings to other communities in order to grow the next generation.
Mind the Gap: Listen to the pool community and deliver tools and capabilities to move from the status quo to the next state of the art.
We will grow the pool community by ensuring that pool is enjoyable for all players. Our strategy is three-fold. First, focus on the next generation of players. Make the sport fun in a structured way. Secondly, listen to the community. Focus on what the current obstacles are to having fun and break those obstacles down. Finally, focus on fun ourselves.
“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Mark Twain
- Be open and honest
- Grow our Community
- Reduce Operational Friction
- Focus on Fun